Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Love Good Coffee

Day 15

Today, after a quick lunch with Geoff, we walked over to Sahakara Nagar to run some errands.  We picked up some staples and snacks at Namdhari's and also did our medicine shopping (Crocin, Iodex, Chawanprash, face wash, family requests, etc).  We let the kids use some of their money to buy some candies (Gems, 5 Star, and KitKat).  They were absolutely thrilled.  Then we headed to the Laundrex to drop off our clothes for washing and ironing.  The prices have got up, but they have also changed: now they charge by the kilo! Interesting.  There was even an ad promoting "for the cost of a pizza, you can have your clothes washed and ironed"!  Wow, the demographic has really changed here.

At the end of all our running around, the kids were patient and well behaved, so we went to the new Cafe Coffee Day (2nd floor).  It was more of a treat for me, really.  DELICIOUS cappuccino. The kids also got themselves a dessert.  The place has wall to wall windows that you can watch everyone below go about their business.  Would have loved to meet my girlfriends there for a chat...

We came home and I called you, but you were heading out the door.  So we went to the Sports Centre to fit in some fitness before dinner.  Gagan and I got some cardio in by playing some squash.  After eating at the canteen, we came home and I call you.  So good to talk to you.  Later, I started to feel like I was coming down with something so took some Ibuprofen and went to bed.